Word of the Week
dissatisfied (adjectives)
Meaning – not content or happy with something
Example of using it in a sentence: “Thomas was dissatisfied with the item when it came in the post, it was not as advertised.”
Spelling Tip – the root word satisfy is Latin for ‘enough’ and we get the idea of ‘having enough’ or ‘being good enough’. Over time it seems to have changed to refer to ‘content’ add the prefix of dis meaning ‘not’ and we arrive today with "Not happy with that!" Say the spelling with attitude, go on you know you want to . . .go on click the fingers too!
"dis sat is fied"
dis + sat + is + f + i + ed
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.
