Christmas Holidays
We start our Christmas Holidays on Friday 20th December. We return to learning on Monday 6th January 2025.

Welcome Back to Home School Learning
Welcome back to learning Monday 2nd September 2024.

Friday's Reflections
We are now at the end of week 2. So far, we have have already done16 hours of maths and 15 hours of English and 98 units in total have...

Parents' Page - Keeping Your Child Safe on PlayStation
There is a new PlayStation out and I am sure your children would love one. Here at Orchard Training, we recommend time spent on such...

Healthy New Year!
Welcome back and Healthy New Year (Happy New Year doesn’t feel quite appropriate particularly as a number of our families have reported...

Friday’s Reflections
Well we have all made it to the Christmas Holidays, some of you sooner than others. I loved the final push which means that everyone gets...

Welcome Back to the Second Half of the Autumn Term - in lock down again!
Welcome back to the second half of this autumn term. Unfortunately, we find ourselves learning back in lockdown mode. Well done to...

Parents' Page - New Advice Published by the Department of Education Regarding Homeschooling.
On Wednesday 20 October 2020, the Department for Education published advice for parents considering Elective Home Education also known as...

92 organisations call on Government to make Carer’s Allowance Fairer for Carers
03 July 2020 Carers UK and 91 organisations representing unpaid carers, older people, disabled adults and children have joined together...

Parents' Page - 5 weeks to go until the summer holidays!
As home schoolers, we all recognise about the feeling of our enthusiasms for learning at home waning as the summer holidays come over the...