Music - Parents Page
Why Include Music In Home Schooling
Nearly everyone enjoys music, whether by listening to it, singing, or playing an instrument. But despite this almost universal interest, music is no longer a key curriculum subject and it is now down the parents to provide. However, if your learner is musical unlike school you can add music regularly in to the week. Many of our parents add it to their whole year with special concerts here and abroad, modern and classical.
Learners who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. There are patterns which help you child to speak and listen, songs will enrich their vocabulary and sentence structure when thinking and writing. Creatively of this kind can help them solve problems by thinking outside of the box and reach a point where more than one answer might solve the problem.
Many musical education programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra. This will help reduce the isolation that may come with homeschooling. It will also promote responsible risk-taking as performing a musical piece can bring fear and anxiety. Preforming teaches how to take risks and deal with fear, which will help them become successful and reach their potential.
Recording The Learning
Emotional development: Students of music can be more emotionally developed, with empathy towards other cultures
They also tend to have higher self-esteem and are better at coping with anxiety, important for those who suffer in this are and this is a plus our learners on the Autistic Spectrum.
For our dyslexic learners, Increased coordination: Students who practice with musical instruments can improve their hand-eye coordination.
Just like playing sports, children can develop motor skills when playing music, important for dyslexic learners.
Along with a mastery of memorisation. Even when performing with sheet music, musicians are constantly using their memory to perform.
The skill of memorization can serve dyslexic learners well in education and beyond.
Recording lessons and events attended a long with a simple list of pieces learnt will be enough to start with.
Once they are publicly preforming then recordings of these are sufficient.
If they take exams in music then the certificates will speak volumes.
Following a Set Programme of Learning
Some learners can start off teaching themselves, but a music teacher might be needed if they wish to continue.
Rent rather than buy an instatement until you have found the right one.
Joining a band is an excellent way of extending the enjoyment further.
Music does not necessarily mean playing music with an instrument. Singing is included in this topic so joining a choir is also a lovely thing to do.
Including Music In The Learning Routine
Here, at Orchard Training we try to embed music into our projects, where it sits naturally and can be enjoyed. We do this more through music appreciation, looking culturally at music where it suites the topic. Copies of the music will be found in the UK Library service and are often on loaned for free or hired for a very small fee. Each of our projects where music is included will list the resources you will need and suggestions of where to find them. They are written with the home-schooler’s budget in mind.
You don’t need any fancy, expensive equipment to teach music, it can be just listening to music or learning to sing. The Hire of an instrument and a teacher will be the most expensive cost. The biggest expense will be visiting a concert. The main cost is the travel and ticket price.