How Do I Overcome The Blank Page?
Pencil or word processor
Writing in pencil on paper can help you remember this is just a draft version. Word processing allows you to edit quickly – nothing is fixed until you send it to print then you can change and reprint. Reading out allowed what you have written will help you hear your voice or tone. Then you can move whole paragraphs around, check spellings, use the thesaurus. All of this can be played with from the start or later as part of the proof reading stage.
Scribble or note ideas down quickly!
Writing quickly, let your thoughts and ideas come out in any order - you can always re-arrange your ideas and re-write these out. You don’t have to use sentences, key words or even pictures are perfectly acceptable as long as you understand what they mean.
Starting with...
You don't have to start with the beginning. You could start with an idea which may be part of a paragraph - what does this theory say? When? Where? Why is that idea convincing/relevant? You can start at the end of the story. You can start with what action you would like the other person to take. You can start with why you are upset. It really doesn’t matter where as long as you start!
Breaking the white page
Create a title page - put page numbers in - create a Reference List of possible sources from your course reading list.
Benefits of Writing
Writing offers you time and space to re-draft and re-focus your message. In this way, perhaps, it is easier than spoken communication.
When speaking, you have to think of words and immediately release them to the audience, and once spoken there is no opportunity to 'edit' them before they are heard.
Writing sometimes has more impact than other communication channels.
Through writing, you can select language to influence the thoughts and actions of your reader in particular ways, guiding them through your evidence and argument to convince them of your analysis and conclusions.