Word of the Week
Deterrent Meaning: something that stops or discourages someone from doing something. Example of using it in a sentence “The CCTV cameras...
Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: You're at the cemetery taking flowers and you are approached by elderly person who appears...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...
Homeschool Garden Club - What is feeding our Bees this week.
This is week 18 of our academic year, and here is what we found in our Orchard Training Homeschool Garden that is in flower and feeding...
Word of the Week
Determined Meaning: how you feel when you have made a decision and are determined to stick to it. Example of using it in a sentence “I am...
Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: When visiting friends, you find that they have cooked dinner for you, and expected you to eat...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...
Word of the Week
Desperate Meaning: a feeling of hopelessness when a situation is so bad that it is impossible to deal with. Example of using it in a...
Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: You have not handed in your English compreshension becauese you haven't done it. What could you...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...