Friday's Reflections
We have come to the end of the first 8 weeks of the new learning year. They have been some very busy weeks too! We started off with every...

Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...

Word of the Week
available Meaning something or someone is able to be free or around to be used or bought Example of using it in a sentence "There is cake...

Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: Whilst helping to tidy up, yo find an opened letter. it s letter from the bailiff. Your parents...

Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...

Word of the Week
audience Meaning a group of people who have gathered to listen to performance, like a play, concert, film or meeting. Example of using it...

The Good News is: I got over the line!
It was a lovely day: the sun was out but not excessively hot. The crowd was magic and it was great fun. We found somewhere to park before...

Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: You are your friends are mucking about and there is some rough and tumble pushing and shoving -...

Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and...

Word of the Week
audible Meaning able to be heard. Example of using it in a sentence "Granny likes the Tv turned up loud, so it is audible. " Here we have...