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Welcome Back to the Second Half of the Autumn Term - in lock down again!

Welcome back to the second half of this autumn term. Unfortunately, we find ourselves learning back in lockdown mode. Well done to everyone, today, who at the time of their lesson had their phones on, laptops charged and a good attitude - even if we were working on either Bidmas or fractions on a Monday. Lets keep this up!

Ok, the next four weeks will mean that our Design and Technology activities are impossible to do right now - but they won't be impossible forever.

The next four weeks are going to be a bit boring again but we have learnt from the first time round what we need to do to protect our physical and mental health:

1) Get up and keep to our routines. That means getting washed, dressed, eating at meal times and cleaning teeth.

2) Take regular exercise to keep our spirits up. We need to be physical tired, so we can sleep during the night.

3) Set a part of our day apart from the rest to do our learning: working on the maths and English set each day, to work on the Mischievous Moral Mayhem, Word of the Week, the Weekly Maths Problem, get out into the garden and do those tasks identified by the Homeschool Garden Club, and cooking or baking the recipe of the week.

4) Talk to your friends and family (or me) if things are getting to feel a bit dark and gloomy.

5) Adjust your expectations and manage today and possibly tomorrow. Don't worry about Christmas. Being together and getting along is far more important than having something to unwrap on a certain day in December. If Christmas has to be moved to January or February then it has to be moved. Make it a special memory - remember we can make any day a celebration, all we need is good company, some nice food and a positive mind set.

6) Find the silver lining in everything! I found a little more than a silver lining as I went for my walk today. Take joy in the little things and try not to get too worked up about things you have no control over.

We can do this guys!


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