Homeschool Garden Club - What was feeding our Bees last half term? (Weeks 8 to 16) 2023
This is week 16 of our academic year, and here is what we found in our Orchard Training Homeschool Garden that is in flower and feeding...
Parents' Page - Keeping Your Child Safe on PlayStation
There is a new PlayStation out and I am sure your children would love one. Here at Orchard Training, we recommend time spent on such...
A to Z List of Free Homeschooling Ideas
Homeschooling is not cheap! Homeschooling is not all about worksheets either! So, what can you do with your time and absolute not...
Making the Internet Safer
Every month we receive the latest stories and updates from the three partners in the UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) made up with...
ICT 'Ground' scape - simply a different view point
If you are thinking about what land scape photograph to entre and your flying to your holiday destination try opting for a ‘ground’...
Learning on The Move – Tromso
This city is known as the end of civilisation and the beginning of the largest uninhabited wilderness area in Europe. Tromso, the Gateway...