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Scrabble Day

We love to finish off our learning sessions with a quick game and Scrabble is one of the more popular ones. All this week we are celebration International Scrabble Day, which falls on Saturday this year. We mostly play dyslexic Scrabble. Obversely, Scrabble is a game to show off your spelling and your word knowledge and as dyslexics we are a little disadvantaged in this area. The rule change we have are:

1) We can ask for help if we are not sure if we actually make any words, with the letters we have.

2) We can say a word we think we could make with our letters, and every one can help spell the word correctly.

3) We can use a dictionary to correctly spell the word if nobody can spell the word. Sometimes, we struggle with the middle sounds and muddle the pronunciation and we know it's not quite correct but our brain can't quite settle upon the correct letter combinations.

4) We can use a dictionary if we want to challenge an unusual word that is offered up - is this a real word? Some of us know lots of words, we simply can not spell. Some of these words are not every day words because of our Latin and Greek knowledge. We can put this knowledge to good use and come up with a word nobody has heard off but is a real word.

Here are this week's fast 10 minutes games at the end of our lessons.

I really like the words:

  • 'funder' meaning a person or organisation that provides money for a particular purpose. I challenged it thinking it was wrong and the player was attempting thunder. But I was wrong!

  • 'pave' meaning a cove with a flat stone - there is my bricklaying apprentices using their industry words.


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