Homeschool Garden Club - What is feeding our Bees this week?
This is week 23 of our academic year, and here is what we found in our Orchard Training Homeschool Garden that is in flower and feeding the bees and pollinators.
This week we have been keeping keen eye open for any pollinators and we have not seen one! We have had some very wet days, some cold and frosty mornings, some fog starts and one reasonably warm sunny day. Admittedly, the fog is not going to help us see too much, the rain and the cold's going to keep the pollinators inside, but even on the warm and sunny day, we haven't seen anything except lots and lots of ladybirds. These have been tucked up in the small steams, leaves and debris we left over winter as a protective habitat. Good news is lot of ladybirds means less aphids later on in the season, which will mean our fruit frees will less infested as the fruit ripens.
We are using this pictorial evidence to be inclusive, not everyone taking part in the survey can write, very well at the moment, and some have not learnt all about graphs nor the name of the plants, as yet. Once we know what we have, we are going to gather the information together in to charts and graphs and see where we have gaps in the garden over the course of the year. We will be using both our mathematical knowledge and IT skills to make the records present the data. I am looking forward to finding out the results.