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Healthy August - Freeze: A Swimming Game to Play

Here at Orchard Training we like to encourage all out learners, in school or out to do an hour of exercise every day to help them stay healthy and if it is free we like it even better.

If you can go to the pool, or have a deep pool at home or if you can visit the beach this summer - you can play Freeze.

You will need enough friends and Studdy Buddies to play.

  • Take up position in the pool with tall players and adults on their knees.

  • One person is "IT".

  • Agree a length of time for the the person to be IT.

  • Once the IT player tags you, you must stay stand still and raise their arms out from their sides (capital T shape).

  • Once tagged, you must stay stand still and raise there arms out from their sides (capital T shape).

  • You can be only un-frozen if an untagged swimmer swims under your arms.

  • A player can not be tagged when they are under the water.

  • If the IT player captures everyone then choose another IT. If the time runs out, choose one of the unfrozen players as IT.

  • The winner is whoever has the most frozen players at the end of their turn as IT.


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