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Word of the Week



Meaning: not content or happy with something


Example of using it in a sentence “I am dissatisfied with how slowly some learners return their comprehensions for marking."


The root word ‘satisfied’ comes from the Latin originally meaning ‘to repay’ or in other words “you have satisfied the debt.” You have done enough to cancel out the debt would be a better way of putting it, as not all debts were repaid in money, you might work off the debt, by helping with the sowing, ploughing, harvest etc. or you many have traded a piglet for 5 chickens and then both parties are satisfied. By adding the prefix ‘dis’ we mean “not satisfied.”


Spelling tip: we are going to help ourselves by breaking up the word like. We need each of those three ‘s’ in the right place.


                                                               dis + sat + is + fied


Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.



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