Word of the Week
Meaning that you are aware and responding to your surroundings.
Example of using it in a sentence "Matthew was badly hurt but conscious after the car accident."
Here we have another Latin word with the idea of inner thoughts and inner knowledge. The ‘con’ meaning ‘with’ and the ‘ious’ meaning ‘knowing.’ So, you are knowing your surroundings. In our example sentence, Matthew will know that different parts of his body hurt more than others, that he has been in an accident and he is talking to the ambulance crew. He is conscious, if he did not know and not able to respond to the ambulance crew is not conscious.
Spelling tip: we are going to say this as con + scious. We need to note that this is in the ‘ious’ family and not the ‘ous’ family.
con + sc + ious
Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.
