Word of the Week
Meaning the injury caused by a blow to the body which ruptures the blood vessels under the skin that looks like a discoloured area of skin.
Example of using it in a sentence "The bruise on my leg is getting better, it is turning from bluish-purple to a yellowly-green colour. "
Here we have Old English and Old French root words that have come together both of which mean an injury to the skin caused by blow to the body. I guess all those jousting knight knew a thing or two about bruise!
Spelling tip: because of its etymology (where the word comes from) we have a long ‘oo’ sound made by ‘ui’, I think this must be part of the Old French influence as we don’t have a long list of English words with ‘ui’. However, you and I won't get bruised when we spell:
br + ui + s + e
Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.