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Orchard Training Garden Club - Cobnuts

This year marks the first time we have successfully harvested any cobnuts from our Home School Garden. We initially planted the cobnuts as tiny plants during the pandemic. Our anticipation was high last year when the cobnuts were pollinated, but unfortunately, our inaugural harvest was stolen by squirrels. Adding insult to injury, these squirrels not only feasted on the cobnuts but also left their traces on the garden bench where they indulged in their meal.

This year, we made a concerted effort to prevent the squirrels from accessing the cobnuts, and our second harvest, while limited in size, proved to be successful.

After considering the harvest quantity, we opted to conduct a taste test between the cobnuts and store-bought hazelnuts. The hazelnuts emerged as the preferred choice this time. In the upcoming year, we will explore recipes incorporating the cobnuts, hopefully with a large harvest!


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