ICT Homework - Helpful Suggestions
Most of you have now reached Challenge 4: Wild Life, Farm Animals and Pets section of your ICT homework. Unlike the subjects of your...

Welcome Back to the Second Half of the Autumn Term - in lock down again!
Welcome back to the second half of this autumn term. Unfortunately, we find ourselves learning back in lockdown mode. Well done to...

New to Proper Homeschooling?
We’ve put together our top 3 tips to make sure you get the most out of proper homeschooling! One: Get Comfy Find a space you won’t be...

Parents' Page - 5 weeks to go until the summer holidays!
As home schoolers, we all recognise about the feeling of our enthusiasms for learning at home waning as the summer holidays come over the...

Parents' Page - How to help
Homeschooling is not something to be undertaken likely, for most of our families it has come as a bit of a crash and as a last resort. ...

Self-Help Techniques and Tips for Home Schooling
Now as the outside world has changed, homeschooling is not going to be easy for some of us. Our brothers and sisters are going to be...

Time Bonding
Sometimes it’s tough to balance working with mum and dad and learning at home. Homeschooling means learning for 20 /25 hours a week and...

Keep Calm and Carry on Learning
Spring has finally sprung and my hill is full of beautiful cherry blossom, forsythia and a number of other flowering trees. There are...

How to be More Productive With Your Learning!
Both parents and learners ask for tips on how to continue to be productive as a home schooler. So, I have put together some tips to help...