Word of the Week
Mediterranean (adjective)
Meaning – coming from or having a characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea and the countries around it.
Example of using it in a sentence: “The Mediterranean diet is a great diet to keep us healthy.”
Spelling Tip – This word generates the most groans during our spellings it is universally disliked by dyslexic and none dyslexics. It needs to be broken down. The prefix ‘medi’ meaning ‘middle’. The ‘terran’ meaning ‘land’ and the suffix ‘ean’ meaning ‘belong to’ or ‘coming from.’ This area of the world got its name from the 6th and 5th BC centuries because it was in the middle of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, the word basically means ‘coming from the middle lands.’ We are going to break the word up in a way so that we get the ‘rain’ sound out of the ‘rane’ and we are going to do this as this has been the most successful way I have found to teach it.
Med + i + ter + rane + an
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.
