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Word of the Week

argument (noun)

Meaning – an exchange or opposite viewpoints, ‘usually angrily’.

Example of using it in a sentence: "Last weekend, I had an argument with my mum and now I need to make amends and apologise.”

The word can also mean a reason or set of reasons given in support of or against an idea, an action or a theory.

Example of using it in a sentence: “There is a strong agreement for allowing me to go to that event.”

Spelling Tip – the root word is Latin for making clear or proving a case in point. The suffix ‘ment’ means that you are taking the action related to the route word. In other words, you are taking action to make you views clear – therefore there is no need for them to be shouted or even screamed - if put together a good set of reasons, with reassurances and conditions. Want to go out - but your parents won’t let you – put together a good ‘argument’ why they should allow you. Be prepared to listen to their side as well, they too may have a good case. The minute you start shouting at your parents - your actions in making your point clear will be lost. Remember to say this out loud "The minute you AR g ue have lost the ment." (capitals indicated shouting and the ‘gue’ sounds like 'you'.)

ar + g + ue + ment

Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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