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Word of the Week

Aggravate (verb)

Meaning – to make something worse or more serious.

Example of using it in a sentence: "I will aggravate my scab on my knee if I pick at it.”

It can so mean – annoy or exasperate in informal use of English.

Example of using it in a sentence: "You will aggravate Nicola if you don’t do your homework for two weeks in a row!”

Spelling Tip – this comes from the Latin ‘gravis’ meaning heavy which links with making worse or more serious, for example when you have misbehaved and then you aggravate your parents by lying about it – you end up with a doubling the length of "your grounded!" making the time you are not allow to go out a 'heavy' burden to bare. To make sure you put the double ‘gg’ in brake it up this way.

Ag + grav + ate

Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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