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Word of the Week



Meaning: something is being said to be larger, better, or worse that it actually is.


Example of using it in a sentence “Tommy always exaggerates who much time it takes him to do his homework"


This Latin word has too parts the pre fix ‘ex-’ means thoroughly and the root ‘agger’ means to heap. The original word meant to ‘pile up’, and to ‘accumulate’.  As time passed, it became to mean to intensify the praise or blame.


Spelling tip: when you spell this word as you write it down you need to exaggerate the ‘agge’ to make sure you get both the 2 ‘gg’s’ and the ‘e’.


                                                               ex + agge + rate


Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.



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