Word of the Week
tomorrow (noun)
Meaning –the day after today or in the future, especially the near future.
Example of using it in a sentence: "My homework is due tomorrow, I better to it today!”
It can also be used as an adverb but it means the very same thing.
Example of using it in a sentence: “The fishing season opens tomorrow.”
Spelling Tip – Tomorrow comes for Middle English and belongs to today, tonight and tomorrow to give a time frame when things were going to happen – no digital watches made time very open ended. If you didn’t live near a monastery or a religious order of any kind - you had no real way of telling time with accuracy.
The problem we all appear to be having with this word is the ‘m’ and the double ‘rr’. Here is a phrase to help you “Tomorrow, I will go with Tom or Row?”
Tom + or + row
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.
