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Word of the Week

Acceptable (adjective)

Meaning - something that is able to be agreed on; something suitable.

Example of using it in a sentence "The amount of homework to be done in a week must be agreeable to the learner, the parent and the teacher."

It can also mean - able to be tolerated or allowed.

Example of using it in a sentence "The level of marking of homework needs to be acceptable to all involved."

Synonyms: bearable, tolerable, allowable, admissible, supportable, sustainable, justifiable, defensible, defendable.

Spelling tip: we have a root word and a suffix here 'accept' + 'able'. Say to yourself "We must accept that accept has two cc's." We need to remember that it is in the 'able' and not 'ible' group.

a + cc + ept + able

Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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