Week 9 of Bike Training – Update
Some us have been able to regroup and come together to do a group training session. The shock of getting on a bike again after two weeks of doing very little on holiday was very evident and we have to acknowledge 30 miles is about out limit this week. We won’t be able to do the full distance by the end of the summer holidays.
Each sport has it very different requirements. Some of are very fit for the sport we do. Boxing requires a huge amount of power for a very short periods time. Aerobics requires coordination with constant changes of direction. Cycling requires a slow release of repetitive power over a long distance. We are good at our own sports.
Admittedly, for some of in the group, you haven’t been doing sports or PE since you crashed out of school. You have surprised yourself with what you were able to or not do.
We should not look at this as – I am not fit, or I can’t do this or I am a failure! That is not a helpful mindset here. We need to look at this as – this is a challenge I am finding hard than expected - so we are going to have a Plan B. This challenge may take longer to achieve but if you are committed to the end goal of cycling that distance and raising the money - then does the time frame matter?