Week 10 of Bike Training – Update
I, sadly, have not been given permission by the hospital to come off the stationary bike. They have advised me not to cycle cross country on the bike ride. Although very frustrated, the pain in my knee would indicate I will not be able to the 45 miles needed by the end of August.
So, we have had a talk and a realistic looked at where we are – most of us are still struggling at 30 miles and those who think they could do it with enough breaks planned in to the ride don’t want to do it without me leading. Having cycle this route a number of time I know should I need to retire to the support vehicle I certainly could not necessarily walk to the next support car point in some sections of the route.
For some among this group - getting lost is a big worry. They are not as yet confident map readers as the walkers are. There are large sections on route where a support car cannot get to, past experience also has taught that sections of the route although near roads, it is very tricky even with Sat-Nav to navigate to a given rural location. Aligned to this, getting lost is very easy to do. As the route, we cycle, is intersected with many other alternative bike routes. Last year, even though I had cycled whole route successfully the week before, as part of the risk assessment, there were a number of moments on the day - where I could not remember the route and signs weren’t helpful.
So, this year, our Plan B is going to concentrating on Personal Bests. I am pleased to say, even with some mid-point resistance on the stationary bike I can get up to 15 miles an hour and sustain this for a whole hour. Some of you have been able to get to between 18 and 20 miles per hour but can only sustains this for 30 minutes. For two others, their PB has been to cycle for an hour non-stop (without complaining – too much). For all of us cycling for 3 hours, with breaks, and getting over the 30-mile mark - this is a good bench mark to move on from.
At the beginning of September, we swap disciplines and start training for the 5K. Now I know, that at the moment, I can barely hobble half a mile with my leg as it is. However, with the support of the physio team at St Peter’s Hospital and by splitting the training down in to small achievable sections I will be able to increase that distance. I may be even able to walk move fluidly.
For the rest of you – some of you already run well as part of the boxing training you do - so talk to your coach about how to improve that run. I know one of you has a nice route set up and that you run and jog between the lampposts – let’s work out how to improve that.
For the three of you who have admitted to having lots of good intentions and set out but end up in a certain burger bar let us talk about taking a different route to avoid the temptation. Since you confessed to stopping in for burgers and fries and never quite managing to get to the field for the run.
