Homeschool Garden Club - Tomatoes
It is time to get the tomatoes started. This year, I am sowing only 6 tomato seeds a week. So, I can get a staggered harvest of tomatoes. Here at the Orchard Training Garden Club we love growing our own pasta sauce and pizza topping. Even better - gobbling down our snack tomatoes fresh from the plant! However, last year we had a few to many and we had to process a bit of a glut. I still have a number of jars of Green Tomato Chutney to eat up.
Tomatoes come in all shape of sizes and colours but the ones we liked and had the most success with here at the Garden Club was 'Moneymaker'
Tomatoes contain a lot of important minerals and vitamins that help to keep us healthy.
Vitamin C: protects your body and boost your immune system. Very good if you have a cold.
Lycopene: helps keep your heart healthy.
Potassium: helps keep your muscles working properly.
Tomatoes are also high in fibre which is very good for your digestive system.
I am growing Yellow Mimi F1 and Tomato Rosella, this year, from seed. Both are little cherry tomatoes one with yellow flesh and the other with pink. However, I am happy to swop some for other varieties.
You will need:
Packet of tomato seeds
Clean pots from smaller to larger in size
some compost suitable for tomatoes or open ground if you have the space.
Tomato feed
Long sticks or canes
Follow the instruction on the seed packet.
Top Tips:
1) When transplanting or potting on bury the tomatoes up to the last leaves.
2) Push the supports in first to prevent damaging the roots.
3) Sink in recycled drinks bottle with the bottom cut off, upside down so you can water the roots easily.
4) Plant outside only if your area does not suffer form blight.
Try growing a few different varieties to see which taste best. Seed swop or plant swop with your Study Buddies at the Orchard Training Garden Club.