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Garden Club - Keeping on Top of Things

This week I have been out in the garden, things I have ordered haven’t yet come so I am just keeping on top of the weeding and doing jobs that need doing.

One of the jobs I have managed to do this week, is turning the compost bins over. I have sieved the newly minted soil and have two large buckets ready for the seeds I have ordered, when they get here.

Back in the early part of the year, I had a big bag of mulch delivered and some lovely boys came over and helped me move it, from the front of the house where it was delivered to the back of the house here it was needed. One of the last wheelbarrow full, we moved was tipped on to the blackcurrant bed. There was an ominous crack and one of the blackcurrant bushes snapped. I had assumed that it has not made it through the winter and it went in to the compost bin. As I sieved out the soil, this small part of the snapped blackcurrant bush turned up sprouting leaves and with roots. So, it has been replanted and we will see how it gets along.

I have checked out the nest box I put recently and sadly, still no takers.

I have also noticed that the guttering on the shed has been damaged in the last storm but I wouldn’t be able to get a replacement bracket, just yet.

Now and now that the weather is a little warmer and drier this week means that I am watering the pots planted up, already. I have checked on the potatoes.

The last job on the list this week is to sweep the garden paths.

If you have a garden what are you getting up to – let us know on the forum.


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