Friday's Reflections
Well we have made it through another week of lockdown and some of you are on in Y8 are on fire with the multiplication of fractions. You will be pleased to hear we only have one more week and that is dividing with fractions.Y7 have a week of multiplication of fractions before moving on to integers. Well done to every one who is keeping up and working hard at that - it is a bit of a slog but once you have masted the method and understand what you are doing, you just fly!
Those of you in Y3 and Y4 are doing a fantastic job of learning those tricky middle sounds and the digraphs which sound the same. I am look forward to your Time Traveller Stories written to celebrate Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day on the 8th.
Those of you on your own individual programmes are exceeding the work set - I am so proud of you.
We have two weeks left before the end of term and we have started the winter period. these last few weeks are the hardest due to the weather and the excitement of Christmas. You will be able to talk about Christmas after St Nicholas' Days but we do need to stay on track. The Orchard Training Cookery Club will be baking lovely Christmas pies, Christmas pudding and tree decoration biscuits, next week. We will also be thinking about the homeless on Roof Over Your Head Day.
One of the best top tips, I have for you, for this time of the year when we all start to feel a bit flat and would rather the holidays came quicker and we don't want to do our homework is to make sure that you do you exercise during daylight hours and where ever possible outside. If you can't - then go to the gym or at least get outside and do some gardening or sweeping up and tidying. On that note, I have been hearing that some of you, when the leaves came down went out and swept the paths for the whole of your neighbourhood. Although you didn't ask for pocket money, you got some and one of you spent it in the supermarket on food for the food bank. That's the spirit we need!