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Day 3 of Art-pril

Todays word is Hanami. Japan is about to celebrate Hanami. Hanami is the festival to celebrate the arrival of the cherry blossom and the country of Japan turns from winter to spring. However, families won't be allowed to go out for a picnic under the blossoms this year. So, let's give them pictures of Cherry Blossons and Cherry Blossom picnics to be proud of. Let us have some really beautiful pictures for all those children in Japan and around Asia who might not even be able to see a cherry tree from where they live - try your absolute best. The Official Rules 1) Check out the word for the day or chose a Spring related word of your own. 2) Make a piece of art using any medium or materials (photography counts) 3) Post it on our site either my emailing or texting the picture to us here at Orchard Training. 4) Repeat every day.

5) Visit the 2020 Gallery on the website to see your art and your fellow artists' art work. For Safeguarding reasons, please do not add you name to you work of art. Just let us know the name of your art piece.


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