Word of the Week
Existence (noun)
Meaning – the fact or state or living or having objective reality.
Example of using it in a sentence "Scientists believe there are several million of unidentified species in existence.”
Synonyms: alive, existing, extant, existent
It can also mean – Continue survival
Example of using it in a sentence “She kept the company alive when its very existence was threatened.”
It can also mean –actuality, being, existing reality fact
Synonyms: – a way of living
It can also mean –actuality, being, existing reality fact
Example of using it in a sentence “our stressed-out urban existence.”
Synonyms: way of life, way of living, manner of living
Spelling Tip – this is a ‘ence’ and not a ‘ance’ word
ex + is + t + ence
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.