Word of the Week
accommodation (noun)
Meaning – a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.
Example of using it in a sentence: "We are living in temporary accommodation due to the flood.”
It can also mean – a convenient arrangement, a settlement or compromise.
Example of using it in a sentence: "The event manager is seeking an accommodation with the stall holders.”
Spelling Tip – the root word is to ‘accommodate’ and there is a ‘t’ at the end which gives you the clue to which ‘tion’ to use. Don’t forget the two cots “cc” and two mattresses ‘mm’ in the accommodation.
a + cc + o + mm + o + d + a + tion
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.