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Word of the Week


Meaning a person who you work with in a business or profession.

Example of using it in a sentence "She thanked her colleagues for all their hard work on the project."

This word comes from two Latin words. The first ‘col’ meaning together and the second ‘legare’ meaning delegate which when combined became to mean or partner in the office. Today, we call our colleagues “Study Bubbies” we partner up to learn something in our learning spaces.

Spelling tip: let’s keep that first word as it is “col’ and break up the rest. We have a soft 'g' towards the end which makes it hard to hear the ue at the end, so we need to make sure we know it’s there. A mnemonic that a teaching colleague, of mine, suggested this might help is:

Colleagues left eagles and giraffes under elephants.

col + l + e + a + g + u + e

Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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