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This Year's Fishing Day

This year’s fishing trip was a much calmer affair with only four of us being able to make the date. We had gone later in May than planned to allow for me to walk the uneven ground. The day was warm with a lovely breeze and there were hardly any other anglers around the lake we were on. We nearly had the place to ourselves and so the day passed in quiet contemplation and intense scrutiny of the orange bobbing float on the surface of the water.

The company was fabulous, even if the fishing was not so much. Unlike like last year, when we caught large carp, this year’s catch was somewhat on the smaller side. I did not catch a thing - although I had many a nibble. The fish took a lot of bait off from my line. The boys did much better, one almost caught one of the bigger carp, but at the last minute it got away.

I think our main completion for the fish was from the angler sat perched in the middle of the lake, causing the fish to go down to the bottom!

We would like to thank the staff at Twynersh Fisheries for their warm and helpful welcome to both the boys and myself, again this year, and for their helpful advice about dipping and landing mats etc.


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