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Mushroom Fairyland

Once upon a time there was a magical village in the middle of the forest, here mysterious fairies lived. Far, far way there was castle and the fairies could see it on two big moon nights. Big moon nights were on a night when two moons could be seen in the sky and the moons made the night very bright. One of the fairies wanted to go to the castle really badly but nobody in the fairy village knew the way. A little brave fairy set about making a plan on how to there. She decided to try to fly there.

The next morning, the fairy thought that the distance was too far to fly and he could go on a wooden carriage to the castle. But she could not think of anywhere where she could catch the wooden carriage from. So, she had to go the fairy builder who lived in the village and ask them to build her a carriage. Then she thought about where to get the horse. She went to a farm, she wanted to find nice horses. At the farm, she found a rally nice horse it was white with a sliver flowing mane and tail.

The next day she went to pick up the carriage then she got the horses, then she set off to the castle. She drove the carriage through the undergrowth. Unfortunately, she got lost in the gloomy forest. The horses got scared and ran away. But luckily, the carriage had a driving wheel in case of emergencies. She drove the carriage away with a magic spell on the wheels and using the driving wheel. Finally, she ended up at the castle.

When she reached the castle, she was very disappointed to find the castle abandoned. The castle was over grown with rose bushes and nobody lived there. She looked around every room, nobody had lived there for a very long time. The place felt lonely and sad, so she set off home again.


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