Word of the Week
especially (adverb)
Meaning – to single out one person or one thing over and above all the others being considered.
Example of using it in a sentence: “I loved all the tomatoes I grew this year. Especially, the variety, sent as part of the trail, from the seed company.”
Spelling Tip – we can see the word special inside this word. So, focus on that word first. It starts with ‘spec’ meaning ‘look at carefully.’ The tricky bit is the ‘ial’ this means ‘related to’ and the ‘ly’ changes the adjective to the adverb. Therefore, the word means “look at this one in relationship to the others – its special.”
e + spec + ial + ly
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.