Word of the Week
Efficient (adjective)
Meaning – a way of achieving maximum productivity with the minimum of wasted or expense
Example of using it in a sentence: “By doing your homework on the day it is set, is a very efficient way of not allaying it to pile up.”
Spelling Tip – the root word satisfy is Latin for ‘effect’ which is where that double ‘ff’ comes from and we need to remember to add. We have a mnemonic to learn this “Elephants fan fast in car in Ent” because they are efficient! Sadly, there is no town or village of ‘Ent’ I can find, but hopefully you will remember that this spelling belongs in the ‘ent’ family and not the ‘ant’ family. To help you do this, you need to visualise a big elephant in a very hot small car parked by the sign for Ent, fanning its ears very fast to keep the car cool. Draw a picture of this on your WoW work to help you remember.
e + ff + i + c + i + ent
Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.
