Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the problem at the top of the page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong answers) and then file the evidence in your folder!
Nicola is day dreaming about a bigger area for the Homeschool Garden Club. The problem is we have learnt about length measurements in kilometres, meters, centimetres and millimetres. In Nicola’s day dream a 2 and half acres (a hectare) sounds about right! However, that is a measurement from the British Merial System and not covered the metric system. 1) So, just how many square meters is Nicola day dreaming about? 2) How did you work that out?
You can share your answers here in the forum on the website or with me as I visit during the week. Remember you need to show your workings out to get the maximum points.
