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Homeschooling Garden Club - Shallots

The summer term has come to an end and our formal learning will end this week but the Homeschooling Garden Club will be continuing on as the plants and vegetables we have planted are still growing. In fact, I have been hearing that you have started some of your harvests. This year, locally because of the sunny weather we have been having, the blackberries ripened early and some of you have been foraging on you walks. The Orchard Training Cookery Club have been sharing their recipes around and last week we had a group lesson making curds with the first picking of blackberries. Some of you have now ventured out and made mango, peach, lemon and orange curds.

This week’s harvest for me has been the shallots. They were planted under the plum tree and were happily growing there until something began to dig them up. At first, I was not sure that it was happening, I started to keep a watchful eye on them and sure enough they were reducing in number overnight. So, I decided that they all better had come up. We dried them off and then I plaited them for storage. Now given my results I am pretty happy with the plaiting but I can see why I was never allowed to plate friends, sisters, cousins or daughters hair.


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