Homeschool Garden Club - Robins
Just before we break up for our Christmas Holidays, I would like to remind you of National Robin Day 21st December is the annual nationwide event raising awareness of small birds and other wildlife in winter and how you can help them through this tough time of year.
There are a number of simple steps that you can take to make your garden welcoming to robins before the weather begins to turn too cold or any snow comes.
During a cold winter, up to half our garden birds can be lost to cold and hunger. Robins are in danger in bad winter weather because they remain faithful to their gardens no matter what the weather. Putting out food, water and shelter for the robins visiting your garden can make a big difference.
Robins like mealworms, calcium worms, fatty foods like suet fat balls, mild cheese, cake and biscuit crumbs, dried fruit and peanuts. You can also buy special high protein robin blends fro the garden centre.
The robins have visit the garden like looking for their food and feeding off the ground. so as soon as we start weeding, we get visits from the robins. We can use this natural behaviour by placing a small food tray of food on the ground, close to a shrub or tree.
We have lots of trees around and bird boxes for the robin to shelter in and if you want o knwo how to make a bird box we can do this in DT.
Now that the pond is fully established we often see the robins drinking from the pond. We will be keeping the surface of the pond broken if it freezes over.