Friday's Reflections
We have just finished our first four weeks. The learners from last year came back and have returned to the pace before the holidays. We are already at over 12,000 answered questioned in the first 20 days of learning this year.
Following on, have been the new intake and they have got off to a great start. We have had a few unexpected learners join us after their start into KS3 went well 'slightly wrong', but we have been able to welcome them in and they are now thriving.
Some of our long time learners have gone on to college and university and are having a great time in their next stage of learning. We are all really pleased that their progression in to higher education has gone well.
We have also lost 2 of our homeschoolers because their long awaited school place has finally materialised. We wish them all the best!
We are now looking forward to the next four weeks of the autumn half term being settled and everyone getting along.