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Fishing Trip


Monday 26th October


Twynersh Fishing Complex, Chertsey, KT16 9EJ

What you need:

You need your fishing licence with you and your gate money. Gate money is £8.00 and you are allowed to bring 2 rods.

You need your fishing rods, landing mat, your fishing net, bate, (I recommend you using a method feeder) and you will need a chair to sit on.

Although the weather forecaster is for a fair-weather day. We are going in October, so you will need your water proofs and your water proof coat.

You will also need to bring a pack launch with you. And don’t forget to bring good conversation with you.

What time to get there:

Get there under your own steam for 10.00am or get dropped off to the carpark. When you get at the fishery text or phone Nicola and she will come a meet you. We are on Lake 1 and we have the back swims and we are under Nicola’s supervision for the day. So, if you are asked by the staff: tell them you are with Orchard Training on Lake 1.

What time to leave:

We will leave about 3.00pm in the afternoon. Or if the weather is really wet sooner.

Written by one of the boys as part of his English lesson. This is our annual fishing event that was been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. The lovely people at Tywnersh are expecting us and are all prepared for us. We can have 8 learners and me. A dad has kindly volunteered too. Please let me know you are coming.


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