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July Photography and Editing - The Results are in!

I took myself out of the vote as I would be bias. So, I asked a panel to judge - all my teacher friends got together for a chinwag and ice-cream, (it was far too hot for coffee and cake) and they looked at all the photographs that had been submitted by the end date.

The results of all your hard work can be seen in the July Photograph Gallery on the website. However, here are the winners of each challenge.

Challenge 1: Still Life

The winner of the 2018 Still Life Challenge was picked by the judges for a number of elements. The toy is the subject of the painting but is not in the picture, there is an inverted triangle with the edge of the book and the paints. The book, the mark marking tools, the cloth and the toy are all linked by painting. The apple and flowers are within the colour range of the rest of the photograph.

Challenge 2: Landscape Winners

The judges could not choose between these two so we have joint winners. The first, the judges really liked this entry as the lines run horizontally in to a central line at runs vertically down the middle. The photographer who took this thought it made the landscape look like a pop-up book.

The second, the judges like the way the road came to a point in the mid-distance and this was followed by the hedge and the hill side. The sky was the inverse of this point. Added to this was the different bands of colour that ran through the composition.

Challenge 3: Portrait

The judges felt his captured something about the individual whilst almost presenting them in an abstract way. The other entries were liked a lot but this one was very clever.

Challenge 4: Wild Life and Pets

The judges felt that the owner of the dog had caught the energy of this pet. The eyes appear to be looking directly at the photographer. There is an anticipate of the next instruction – “Are you going to send me back in the river again?”

Challenge 5: Learning and Work

The judges were particularly taken with this winning photograph for Leaning and Work 2018. They felt that the angle of the fence also gave an idea how long this leaner had to work on the fence. This was no short easy summer project and the elongation implies just that.

Challenge 6: Edited

The judges thought this editing had gone some way to enhance the white peacock, whilst not editing the water in the background and the foreground.

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