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Second training session

Today was our second training session. It was nice and easy - 30 minutes on the flat. On the way back, however we passed a lady who was making a suicide attempt from the bridge over the M25. We were all, of course, a bit shaken.

There were already a number of kind Samarians trying to help and the police and ambulance were already on their way, we could hear them in the distance and see their blue lights as we turned the corner. We did not stop, there was nothing we could do to help and I really didn’t want there to be any chance of the teenagers of seeing the jump – if that happened.

But it was a timely reminder why we are doing this bike ride. It is to raise money for the family who will also be supporting this individual in their darkest hours, days, weeks and possibly months ahead. Like many carers, they will need support and a listening ear and it is Action for Carers Surrey who provides that in our area. (for more information about this fantastic organization, visit their website: This charity supports carers to look after family, partners or friends who are ill, frail or have a disability. The care they provide is unpaid.


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