Healthy August - Ping-Pong: A Swimming Game to Play
Due to educational cuts and the governments period of austerity, nearly 50% of all school aged children are not doing enough exercise. That included those who take part in school P.E. because the time taken for changing, putting out the equipment and lining up for P.E. can take up a large portion of the hour allotted for the lesson and therefore some children are active for less than 30 minutes every day.
The statistics on Summer Holiday Hunger would prove that the luxury of visiting the local sports centre for a swim this summer for some might be total out of the question.
Here at Orchard Training we like to encourage all out learners, in school or out to do an hour of exercise every day to help them stay healthy and if it is free we like it even better.
If you have a pool at home or if you can visit the beach this summer - you can play Ping-Pong.
You will need enough friends and Studdy Buddies to make two equal teams.
Take up positions at opposite ends of the pool or area.
Both teams stand in the water.
Dump a basketful of number ping-pong balls in to the centre of the pool.
On the mark, both teams scramble to collect as many of the pingpong balls as they can. You can only collect one ball at a time and put it in the collecting bucket on the side before picking up another. No one can carry more than one ball at a time!
When all the balls have been collected, the numbers on the balls are added up, and the team with the highest score wins.
I know - I am so sorry - I snuck some maths in to that one.