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Friday Reflections

We have got to the end of another week of lock down and we have made it to the Easter Holidays. Well, when I say 'we' I really mean some of you have. Some of you slacked off and are now faced with working next week to catch up. Your mums know who you are and I will be calling every day and on time next week.

I know a lot of you have expressed the desire to start back as soon as possible, because your bored already. However, we all need a well earned rest. Therfore, we will be returning to learning on the 14th April.

Although, we are stopping the daily our daily maths and english session - Art-pril is still taking place every day. You still need to check out the daily word each day. You can find this either on the blog or in the calendar. Some of you have been struggling with a reliable signal, so keep your art safe and we will add it to the gallery when we next meet up, please don't get worried about it.

I have started to hear that those of you who applied for a college place are receiving letters to say you have got a place next September - well done!

We have finished off probability in maths this week and got to grips with those tricky transitive verbs with direct objects and intransitive verbs without them.

Don't for get to add anything like reading, cooking etc to you evidence diary and today add three things that went well.

Happy Easter!


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