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Word of the Week

Believe (verb)

Meaning – accepting that something is true, especially without proof

Example of using it in a sentence "Nicola did not believe Ted’s story about why he didn’t do his homework"

Synonyms: convinced by, trusts, have confidence in, consider honest, consider truthful

It can also mean – Hold an idea as an opinion; to think

Example of using it in a sentence "I believe we have already met"

Synonyms: Think, imagine, feel, hold, maintain, suspect, suppose, assume, presume, conjecture and summarise

Spelling Tip – Lots of us get the ‘e’ and the ‘i’ in the wrong place. We can break this down in to be + li+ eve or Be + lie + ve (Eve believed the “lie” when he said eating the apple would do no harm) either way the ‘i’ goes before the ‘e’.

Use the word as many times throughout the week as you can. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.

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