Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone! Although we are still in mid winter this morning I woke up feeling the joys of spring coming on. I have deep cleaned my kitchen and found some spots missed from our gingerbread house decorating, the seed catalogues for the garden have arrived and I am looking for a new challenge this year.

Last year I was challenged to learn Spanish and I have had a good go at it but "could do better!" My husband did take me to Spain as a reward but would not let me practice ordering food and drink when we were out and about, as he was embraced by my errors and mistakes. Oh well! I will try harder this year.

My new challenge will be be take part in a 5K somewhere towards the end of the year. We have the Walking the Thames and the Charity Bike Ride before then so I should be fit enough in the Autumn. How about you what are you going to tackle new this year?

I know many of you are looking forward to restarting your learning after the love Christmas break and we will be back hard at our endeavours on the 7th January 2019. A few of you will see me before that as we gear back up in to our new routines and new time slots.

We are experiencing some internet issues so be patient as the provider is working at fixing the problem.
